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The FASD Outreach program is designed to provide education, information, support, resources, mentoring services, coaching and advocacy to anyone living with or impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). This program can help clients get the support they need when a diagnosis is suspected or certain. Clients may be self-directed into this program, or referred by a community source or the local Child and Family Services.


Individualized goals are created between the caregivers and the affected person to determine what outcomes are desired and at what pace to progress in order to best achieve success. Goals are flexible and can change throughout the program. The McMan team works to provide creative solutions for immediate goals and also connect the client with any additional longer-term resources that may be required.


Clients in the FASD Outreach program will receive the support they need for as long as they need it. Our team works to provide the education and resources to self-manage an independent and successful life. We can assist with establishing a proper diagnosis and create a long-term strategy for building a manageable day-to-day routine.



Program accredited by:

Program funders:

  • Facebook Long Shadow

Success Story
Jason was an 11-year-old boy living undiagnosed with FASD. One day, while at a school meeting with his mother and a McMan FASD Outreach Worker, Jason found new hope. What began as a “why can’t you do it?” meeting was reframed by the FASD Outreach Worker to a “what can we do to support you?” meeting. The result was a young person much happier about going to school. Jason’s peer relationships and school grades improved, and the school personnel now have an increased awareness of FASD and how to provide support to Jason.

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